EP and EFT Tapping
Energy Psychology (EP)

What is Energy Psychology?
The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology defines this as the following:
“Energy psychology (EP) is a collection of mind-body approaches for understanding and improving human functioning. EP focuses on the relationship between thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behaviors, and known bioenergy systems (such as meridians and the biofield). These systems and processes exist, and interact, within individuals and between people. They are also influenced by cultural and environmental factors.
Within an EP framework, emotional and physical issues are seen, and treated, as bio-energetic patterns within a mind-body-energy system. The mind and body are thought to be interwoven and interactive within this mind-body-energy system.
The use of EP has resulted in the development of associated methods and models to treat psychological and emotional problems, facilitate health and wellbeing, and improve human performance. These models and methods are usually used within an integrative or holistic approach to practices such as psychotherapy, counseling, coaching, integrative medicine, and other healing modalities.” http://www.energypsych.org/?AboutEPv2
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping

What is EFT Tapping?
EFT means "Emotional Freedom Techniques" and is a powerful self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. Clinical trials have shown that EFT tapping is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. EFT uses elements of Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Therapy, and combines them with Acupressure, in the form of fingertip tapping on 12 acupuncture points. Over 100 papers published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals, including dozens of clinical trials, have demonstrated that EFT is effective for phobias, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, pain, and other problems. (https://www.eftuniverse.com/faqs/about-eft-tapping-and-this-site)
Palliative Care Level EFT:
This level of EFT refers to that which focuses on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness (or dis-ease in the body/mind). The goal is to improve quality of life for the patient/client and, subsequently, the family/community around them. This level of EFT is easily shared through modeling and community education classes as an easy-to-use self-help tool for downregulation of the emotions and general experience of stress. This is the level of care taught in all of my EFT community workshops with the general public.
Clinical and Trauma Informed EFT Care:
This level of EFT is only provided 1-to-1 within a private counseling service and setting by a trained professional. In this level of care, the "gold standard" tapping points are utilized in addition to other tapping sequences and techniques specially designed to target difficult past memories which continue to cause a person significant distress in the "here and now".
Using EFT to target trauma memories with my clients (over a number of sessions), is shown to help them regain a sense of peace, feelings of safety, and oneness with themselves after experiencing traumatic circumstances.

When we experience trauma, our body and mind often become "stuck" in a looping pattern of distress and fear in our energy body. This can create barriers to connection with other people, feelings of isolation, difficulty functioning in the world, disrupted moods and sleeping patterns, and more. With the help of tools like that in EFT tapping, the traumatic memories that have created these responses are specifically targeted and the physiological responses in the body are safely interrupted and reprogrammed. The brain and body no longer "trigger" in the same way when recalling that same memory going forward, but you will be able to remember what happened and think about it from a neutral feeling place.
The clinical EFT points and sequences I use have been WELL-RESEARCHED and proven to be an efficient and effective means of treating many things including: anxiety, addictions, pain, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Increased funding of these studies allows continuing evidence to be found in proving this technique's effectiveness on a wide range of challenges. For more info, please visit: www.energypsych.org